A new Semantic Microtonal Music International Competition dedicated to the Semantic version 2 will take place in the end of 2024. Start to compose music with the new instrument right now !

Semantic Microtonal Music International Competition 2018
Award Winners

The Semantic Microtonal Music International Competition received 35 pieces, among which 26 pieces entirely performed with the SD-53, by 16 composers (or groups of composers) from 13 countries.

Considering the number of pieces and their quality, the Alain Daniélou Foundation decided to double the total amount of the prizes initially promised, by giving financial prizes to 11 of the 16 selected candidates.

Jury's grand prize

■ Tomi Simatupang (Jogjakarta, Indonesia, living in Germany)
Darsinis Droom
Microtonal music special prize
Arithmotonal study – Indigo
Video music special prize

2nd prize (awarded to 7 composers)

■ Ghettov Milan (R. Bruce Burleigh / aka Bopple Nini, Philadelphia, USA)
Spontaneous recognition
Prize of the best composition
Delayed Kotos in Coherent Shrutis
Snow kirt – A contemplation of a slowly twirling woman in falling snow
Xavier Bellenger (Lima, Peru) and Mariano Rosales (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
RagAlain Semantico
Instrumental research special prize
■ Marcos Rogozinski (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Satara – in Pifano style
Neo-traditional music special prize
■ François Théron and Olivier Roueff / FTOR (Paris, France)
Alain Daniélou special prize and prize of diversity of styles for the ensemble of their 6 compositions:
Chilling out music special prize
La dialectique peut-elle casser des briques ?
Un pas plus loin
Mécanique Sémantique
Electronic music special prize
Nuper Rosarum Flores
3rd mouvement (adaptation from Guillaume Dufay)
■ Claarmont (Salt Lake City, Utah – USA)
Intermodal hub
Polyrhythmic music special prize
■ Marco Marongiu (Cuneo, Italy)
Anton’s Lullaby
Prize of contemporary music
Mrs Shaw’s cry
■ Magis Optis / Michel Gaillard (Mirepoix, France)
Mouette sur l’océan de la pensée
Prize of contemplative music

3rd prize (awarded to 3 composers)

■ Kamarius / Marius Leoca (Bacau, Romania)
Ambient music special prize
Rainy Day
Drops of knowledge
Dusty traveler
■ Sub Merci / Emiliano Flores (Fontenay/s/bois, France)
Extra-european music special prize
■ Ashish Dha (New-Delhi, India, living in Dublin, Ireland)
Mallaari in Raag Gambheeranaatai
Polyphonic music special prize

Have been also selected with the Jury's encouragements

■ Noah Jordan (Vancouver, Canada)
Bhairavi string piece #1
Prize of symphonic music
The Sides
■ Ramses Salen (Santa Rosa, Philippines)
A Strange whisper
Orient-Occident meeting special prize
■ Andy Parlsow (Nambour, Australia)
Musical soundscape special prize
Outside looking in
■ Bernard Pintar (Ptuj, Slovenia)
Lady Raga Motors
Prize of improvised music
Before ending
■ Charles Antonio Loli Antequera (Lima, Peru)
New music styles special prize

Thanks to all!


The Alain Daniélou Foundation and the Atelier d’Exploration Harmonique (AEH) are pleased to invite you to participate to a musical competition based on the just intonation system devised by Alain Danielou for the Semantic instrument.

Create a few minutes of music with the Semantic Danielou-53 available as a free download from this website and participate to the Semantic Microtonal Music International Competition!

Closing date for entries: 31th January 2018

This instrument and its user manual can be freely downloaded here.

Competition Rules

1.In a first period, pieces (under Creative Commons licence BY NC ND) will be sent by the participants in the form of mp3 files 160 kbps or more, each with a title and one line of presentation, along with the name of the Semantic Danielou-53 tuning used.
2.It is possible to send several pieces as long as they last a minimum of 1′ each and a maximum of 5′.
3.Pieces may include other instruments tuned with the Semantic tunings, but all pieces must use the Semantic instrument and at least 1 piece must have been performed entirely with it.
Scala files of the Semantic tunings and Semantic Danielou-53 user manuals in french and english can be downloaded here:
4.Technical help if required can be asked in french or english through the FaceBook “Intonation Juste” group:
5.Re-recordings and external sound treatments are permitted ; musical styles are completely open.
6.Closing date for entries: 31th January 2018.
7.The selected pieces will be presented in various places in France and Italy, and broadcasted in the Semantic pages of the Alain Danielou website.
8.Five prizes, of 200 € each, will be given out to the selected participants.
Depending of the selected pieces, the prizes may precise specific qualities such as :
Best composition, Best composer, Extra-european cultures, Symphonic, Microtonal Jazz, Microtonal rock, Electronic, Neo-traditional, Sound poetry, Ambient music, Musical innovation, Improvised music, Music for dance, Musical theater, New music styles…
9.The results will be published on the Internet in several microtonal music groups.
10.Without engagement to do it, Alain Daniélou Foundation may be allowed to edit a CD mix of a collection of the best creations.